Akita Shepherd dog breed

Posted by Dog Breeds and Training | 3:47 AM | , | 0 comments »

The Akita Shepherd is not a purebred dogbreed. It is a cross between the Akita Inu dog breed and the German Shepherddog breed. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed dog breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% pure dog breed to 50% pure dog breed. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.

Akita Inu Dog Breed

Posted by Dog Breeds and Training | 3:35 AM | , | 0 comments »

Description: Akita Inu dog breed is largest of the Japanese Spitz-type breeds, the Akita, pronounced a-KEE-ta, is a powerful, solid, well-proportioned and distinctive looking dog. Strong and muscular with a flat, heavy head and strong, short muzzle. The Akita is slightly longer than he is tall with a broad, deep chest and level back. The head is broad and shaped like a blunt triangle. The stop is well-defined and there is a shallow groove going up the center of the forehead. The small, erect ears are carried forward and in line with the neck. The small, triangular eyes are dark brown. The nose is generally black (brown is permitted on white Akita's, but black is preferred); the lips are black and the tongue is pink. The teeth should meet in a scissors, or level bite (scissors is preferred by most breeders). The tail is carried high and curled over the back. The Akita has webbed, cat-like feet - which makes it a fine swimmer. The double coat is composed of a harsh, waterproof outer coat insulated with a thick, soft undercoat. Coat colors are pure white, red, sesame and brindle. The colors should be without clear borders. A black mask is forbidden.

Akita Inu dog breed Temperament: The Akita is docile, but sometimes spontaneous. Careful and very affectionate with its family. Intelligent, courageous and fearless. It is very willful and needs firm training as a puppy. The Akita is a first class guard dog. Japanese mothers would often leave their children in the family Akita's care. They are extremely faithful and thrive on companionship. The Akita is very aggressive to other dogs and animals and should therefore never be allowed to run off its lead around other animals. It should definitely be supervised with other household pets and children. Although the breed may tolerate and be good with children from his own family, he may not accept other children. If teased, Akita's may bite. Children must be taught to treat these dogs with kindness. This breed can be very food-possessive and willful. They are capable of ferocity, but with firm training, can make a fine pet. Obedience training requires patience, as these dogs tend to get bored quickly. The Akita needs to be with its family. It vocalizes with many interesting sounds, but it is not an excessive barker.

Akita Inu dog breed Height and Weight: Height: Dogs 26-28 inches (66-71 cm.) Bitches 24-26 inches (61-66 cm.)Weight: Dogs 75-120 pounds (34-54 kg.) Bitches 75-110 pounds (34-50 kg.).

Akita Inu dog breed Life Expectancy: About 10-12 years.

Akita Inu dog breed Origin: The Akita is native to the island of Honshu in the region of Akita in Japan, where it has remained unchanged for centuries. Today, the Akita is considered the national dog of Japan and is designated as a Natural Monument. The Akita Inu dog breed has had many uses, first as an Imperial guard dog, then as a fighting dog, hunter of deer and bear, for sledding, and for police, army and guard work. The Akita has keen hunting abilities and can even hunt in deep snow. He has a soft mouth, so he is suitable for waterfowl retrieval. In Japan, small statues of the Akita are often sent to ill people to express a wish for their speedy recovery, and to parents of newborn children to symbolize health.