Africanis dog breed

Posted by Dog Breeds and Training | 4:32 AM | , | 1 comments »

Description : The AfriCanis dog breed is the real African dog - shaped in Africa. It is part of the cultural and biological heritage of Africa. In fact, its African heritage goes back 7000 years. AfriCanis is descended from the dogs pictured on Egyptian murals, the earliest record of the domestic dog breed in Africa being from the Nile delta, dated 4700 BC.The beauty of this AfriCanis dog breed is embodied in the simplicity and functionality of its build. The AfriCanis dog breed is a medium sized dog, slender built and well muscled. It is agile and supple, moves in a very natural and easy manner, and can run at great speed. AfriCanis dog breed is found in a wide range of colours, with or without markings. A ridge of varying form can sometimes be seen on the back. The head is wedge shaped and the face is most expressive. The ears may be erect, half erect or drooping. The carriage of ears and tail is linked to the dog's awareness of the environment. These variable physical features are of no direct influence on the physical and mental well-being of the dog.

Temperament : AfriCanis dog breed has for centuries roamed freely in and around rural settlements, it combines attachment to humans with a need for space. Traditionally it is always close to humans, other dogs, livestock and domestic animals. AfriCanis dog breed is well disposed without being obtrusive: a friendly dog, showing watchful territorial behaviour. The AfriCanis dog breed displays unspoiled social canine behaviour with a high level of facial expressions and body language. Its nervous constitution is steady but the dog is always cautious in approaching new situations. In other words: it displays a high survival instinct.


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