Airedale Terrier dog breed

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Description : The Airedale Terrier dog breed is a large terrier with a harsh wiry coat, long flat head, and a deep chest. Airedale Terrier dog breed hair is bristly and resistant to dampness, but it needs stripping. The well-balanced dog stands square, with a level topline and very straight front legs. The v-shaped ears fold slightly to the side and forward. The nose is black. The teeth should meet in a level or scissors bite. The Airedale Terrier dog breed tail is carried high and is customarily docked; left undocked it should be carried gaily, but should not curl over the back. The wiry outer coat is lined with a soft undercoat. The coat should be tan with black (or dark grizzle) markings. A bit of red in the black and/or a small white star on the chest are permitted. The legs (all the way to the thigh), chest, undersides, head and ears should be tan. Sometimes tan also extends up to the shoulders.
Temperament : The Airedale Terrier dog breed will usually do okay with children if they have early exposure and socialization, however they may play too rough for small ones. This Airedale Terrier dog breed needs to feel loved and respected. Courageous and protective. Fairly friendly with strangers. Intelligent, pleasant and loyal. Sensitive and responsive, he can be obedience trained at a high level. Airedale Terriers are fun-loving and playful when they are puppies. Airedales will be happy to please you, if there is nothing more pressing in the environment (chipmunk, other dog, food). Many trainers (including Jean Donaldson, who wrote Culture Clash about the dog-human relationship) feel that humans who believe that dogs will have an inherent need to please are very likely to abuse the dogs because they see a dog who is more motivated by other things than pleasing the human as "bad," "stubborn," and "disloyal." An Airedale Terrier dog breed is extremely loyal, but you would have to be an ace trainer to get him to come away from a chipmunk even for raw steak! They are naturally lively and can be very rowdy until properly trained. The Airedale Terrier dog breed needs proper obedience training and an owner who knows how to be "Top Dog". The Airedale Terrier dog breed may have dominance challenges toward family members he sees as submissive. This can lead to willfulness and disobedience. Airedale Terrier dog breed are not difficult to train, but they do not respond to harsh overbearing training methods. The Airedale Terrier dog breed is intelligent enough to perceive quickly what is required of it, but if you ask it to do the same thing over and over again it may refuse. Try to give it some variety to its training, making the exercise a challenge. With the right handler, the Airedale Terrier can do well in various dog sports including defense dog trials. This breed generally gets along well with household cats and other animals, but they sometimes try to dominate other dogs. This depends upon their training and the individual dog.
Airedale Terrier dog breed Height and Weight : Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm.) Bitches 22-23 inches (56-58 cm.)Weight: Dogs 50-65 pounds (23-29 kg.) Bitches 40-45 pounds (18-20 kg.)
Airedale Terrier dog breed Life Expectancy is About 10-12 years.
Airedale Terrier dog breed Origin : The Airedale Terrier dog breed was developed about a hundred years ago in the country of York from the ancient Working Terrier. "The King of Terriers," the Airedale was named for the Valley of the Aire in England, where lots of small game flourished. Originally known as the Waterside Terrier and used as a vermin hunter. The Airedale Terrier dog breed was later crossed with the Otterhound to make him a better swimmer. It is also said to have Manchester Terrier in its blood. In addition to his role as a small game hunter, the Airedale Terrier dog breed has been used to hunt big game in Africa, Indian and Canada, and as a police dog and army sentry dog in World War II. Today the Airedale is primarily a companion dog, but there are still working lines out there. Some of the Airedale's talents are guarding, watchdogging, hunting, tracking, military work, police work, and competitive obedience.